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A Game Freak worker tests positive for coronavirus

Game Freak is the last developer to have been touched by a coronavirus, the Japanese company announcing one of its employees had been tested positive to the disease.

The pokemon developer released a statement Thursday, April 23, to confirm the news, but insisted that he continues to work on future projects. The company's workforce, like other studios around the world, is working remotely to reduce the spread of infections.

The employee, who works in Game Freak offices in Setagaya, Tokyo, was diagnosed with Covid-19 on Wednesday, April 22. The individual, who has not been appointed, is under observation of the medical staff of one of the Tokyo hospitals.

Game Freak then explained that plans had been put in place, since the end of January, to reduce contacts between employees. Face-or-face meetings, a reduction in travel for professional purposes and the use of facial masks have all been implemented to ensure that Covid-19 was not distributed among its workforce. Staff also work at home since April 1st.

Game Freak insisted that he will continue to monitor the rest of his workforce and will take quick action to prevent other persons from being infected within their headquarters and at home. . The statement ended with Game Freak also explaining that it will work to ensure the security of its customers as well as its employees.

The news comes to the light of Japan, facing an increase in the number of cases of coronaviruses in recent days. The country called on emergency nationally on Friday, April 17, after rising positive results.

Game Freak, who came out and shield Pokémon, the last entry of the franchise last November. The first extension of the title Nintendo Switch, The Isle of Armor, should go out at the end of June.


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